Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reasons we haven't posted in a bit...

We went to Mobile for Emerson's Baptism and First Communion. She asked Lauren and I to be her sponsors. It was great getting to spend a little bit of time with everyone. I don't get over to see them as much as I'd like to even though it's such a close drive. My nieces and nephews are growing up so fast! Pretty soon they'll be too cool to hang out with me. Lauren went over earlier Friday and her and Morgan went and saw Trombone Shorty.

Mo & La
Addie & her Daddy
Aunt Cheryl with the Young'ins


Matty and Kyle have been wanting to check out grip work so they could have some work when they are on shore. This week they got their chance to work as rigging grips with me in Baton Rouge. We had a good time and I got to show them the ropes a little bit. 

Stage Door

Space Grip Indio
Matty C
Matty C & Kyle
Indio under the grid we just installed.
This past weekend was pretty awesome. We kicked it off chaperoning Sci High's prom. After our shift was up we went to a Sound Tribe Sector 9 show with Matty, Durado, and Kyle. It had been a while since we've seen them, and they were on point. The show was at Mardi Gras World which was a really cool venue right on the river.

Droppin  Beats

We didn't get home from the show until around 3:30 AM. So needless to say we slept in on Saturday. Once we got up we strolled over to the farmers market for some groceries. We went to Swan River for a 90 minute yoga class in the evening. Lauren and I were the only two there so it was like having a private couples class. After class we came home and made a super fresh dinner with our market finds. The menu: Gulf Shrimp over Parmesan Garlic Risotto, Steamed Broccoli, and a Beet & Basil Salad with Honey-Lime-Moscato Dressing. Yum.   

Choppin Beets
Fresh Caught Gulf Shrimp

gettin the shrimps a lil loose


Milo loves him some shrimps

fresh cuts from the market

My Dad and Evalynn were taking a trip out of New Orleans so we met them for lunch at Mandina's. When my family is in town it's kind of our spot. They have been eating there since before I was born. It was one of Nunny's favorites for years as well. The food is usually really good. I stick to a few dishes I think they do well, as I have had some specials that I was not pleased with. The service can be hit or miss, but today was great.

Turtle Soup au Sherry
Italian Salad

Soft Shell Crab Almondine
Oyster PoBoy

After lunch we headed over to the aquarium. It was Lauren's first time to this one, and we had a great time. She got the tickets through living social so we got in for a third of the cost of a normal ticket. After watching marine life swim for several hours we decided we wanted to do some swimming ourselves and headed to the JCC for the rest of the afternoon. We grabbed some tortillas from the Healing Center on the way home and made tacos with the rest of the shrimp from the farmer's market.

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