Saturday, March 30, 2013

Decorating Easter Eggs

I know that I promised a full house tour on Wednesday, but our family is in town for Easter, and we are delightfully distracted. It will have to wait for next weekend. Tomorrow will be our 3rd year hosting Easter and we are really excited to plan and prepare another Easter menu for our family and friends. Check out last year's here and the menu here.

To hold you over till the big Easter post, I will share with you the eggs we dyed last night. I found the idea through Apartment Therapy which led me here. And they turned out like this:

Then I let Christian help and they turned out like this:

Can you guess which ones are mine and which ones are his? For the first time in a quarter century of dying Easter eggs, I read the instructions on the back of the dye. They suggested vinegar for ultra vibrant colors, lemon juice for vibrant colors, and water for pastels. It worked great! I had never used anything other than water before and was always soaking them for forever to get the colors I wanted. Happy Easter!

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