Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Sorry it has been so long! Our desktop computer crashed :( this is where we do all our blogging and photo editing, so it is a major bummer. We are taking it to the Genius Bar tomorrow; hopefully it is not fatal. We have a few posts that were ready to go, but are on that computer, so stay tuned for those. For now, let's talk about Spring Cleaning. This is my favorite cleansing season and since Spring Break started on Friday, I have much planned in regards to cleaning, organizing, and purging.

First up, spring cleaning for the body. I found a 3 day smoothy cleanse by Dr. Oz. I'm in the middle of Day 1 right now, and so far so good. What I like about this cleanse is I'm not hungry, and it wasn't too expensive. What I don't like about this cleanse, is that I would rather be eating a cheeseburger. If you find a cheeseburger cleanse, please let me know.

Here are some of the ingredients:

And here's the plan:

Using this list from apartment therapy and some ideas from the nest's list of 100 Days of Organizing I plan to spend the next two days getting everything back to neutral. During my spring clean frenzy the goal is to eliminate as much clutter as possible. And not just the clutter that has accumulated in the last 3 months, but all the visual clutter that is better suited to winter: meaning during the spring and summer I prefer for there to be less out. Less books, less vases, less trinkets. Hopefully I will have time left over to paint a table, or two.

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