Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Breeze

The list is mostly complete (as good as it's going to get) and the house looks and feels like Spring. Tomorrow we're going to post a full house update in picture. We haven't done this in a year so and much has changed around here.

My grandma stitched these spring-y pillow cases for us and the quilt was made by my great grandma

Here's how the list looks now:

Spring clean

All over
Dust shelves, blinds, vents, moldings, light fixtures -- anything that collects dust and you usually ignore.
clean window treatments (including your shower curtain)
Wash windows

Living room
Clean out cabinet
clean behind couch
Vacuum cushions

Organize drawers
Dust chandelier
Burnt out bulbs 
Flip mattress
Change winter bedding to spring
Change clothes from warm to cool and pack away seasonal clothes
Donate/sell unwanted clothes 

Dining room
Check smoke detector batteries
Vacuum rug

Clean out fridge
Clean behind fridge

Organize paperwork: alphabetize and eliminate
Spray paint file cabinet Monday

Clean out chest
Clean out medicine cabinet and makeup bag

Laundry room

Buy herbs
Plant herbs 

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