Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bulletin Board Redo

Inspired by the painted bulletin board I saw on here Apartment Therapy, I decided to make my own. I used a very old, but awesomely large bulletin board that has been following me around since middle school. It has been stored in the back of my closet since moving here to Nola.

Check out the process and the final product:

The supplies: left over white primer, black spray paint, and brush

The original had all kinds of glitter glue and tweeny messages left over from my sister and I

roughly painted white: I wanted it to have obvious brush strokes, so I wasn't concerned about it drying before I layered on more paint

Last step: I spray painted the whole thing black before the white was totally dry. I made sure to cover the wood borders completely, but was less careful with the bulletin board itself. 

The final product hangs in the kitchen:


  1. Cool result.!! Like the process photos too.

  2. I know it's summer vacation, but I think it's time for another blog post. I miss hearing from you guys.

  3. We were on vacation hiatus, but we're back now :)
