Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Sprout and the third try

I have always been interested in gardening; my mom and I spent every Mother's Day when I lived at home planting her garden and this is my fourth winter attempting to sprout my own seeds. The first three attempts were to fails. I have outlined them below:

#1. Planted seeds in a green house box of sorts in my house, nursed them for four months, grow light and all. After putting all the sprouts in the ground I proudly headed off to work. I later called Christian all excited like, and he said everything was gone!

#2. Planted seeds in Nola last season, everything was going well until one weekend away. I came home and everything was a wilted memory of a plant.

2011: I drilled holes in a plastic moving box and flipped in upside down to use as a greenhouse.

#3. Things I am doing differently this year:

  • I started earlier
  • I am watering less
  • I planted more
  • I checked out this awesome site for lots of advise on Urban gardening, most of the tutorials on this site would be relevant in any city in the States.
Here are the results two weeks after planting:

The mint that has survived since last summer

The box this year has a lid to trap in more heat 

Sprouts already sprouting

More signs of Spring


  1. AHhhh!!! I LOVE IT! I wish I had a green thumb! I would love to grown my own spices and vegetables what exactly are you growing?

  2. I do not have green thumb by any means, this has been much trial and much error. we have bell pepper, jalapeno peppers, two kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers, dill, basil, sunflowers (they suck the lead out of the ground they are planted in so they are great for urban gardens, I hear) parsley, and cilantro. I'll keep you posted about the progress. Like I said it always starts out strong, but I've never been successful. The last three years I've gone to Home Depot to buy plants at the last minute :)
