Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It feels like Spring outside and...

I rode my bike to work this morning, and the weather is AMAZING! This is the winter that never was and on the last day of February the azaleas are in full bloom. It smells amazing even when you're just walking by. There are even strawberries already at the farmer's market and Abita's Strawberry brew came out three weeks early. I love it. It makes everything seem lighter and happier and reminds me that summer (and two months off work) are right around the corner.

Some other things on my mind:

  1. I'm thinking about getting a second job. Like waitressing or bartending or something. Christian is always working late on Friday nights and throughout the rest of the week, and I kind of miss the drama. But it has to be somewhere that's non-smoking, will give me the exact schedule I want, and doesn't mind that I will be taking off whenever I need to. So we'll see...
  2. I had a house guest for the past two nights. She's a teachNola candidate and is interviewing for the same program I am in right now. I really liked her and am hoping she gets it so she will move here and be my new friend.
  3. I have only 4 classes left for my English certification and only 2 classes left for my Special Ed certification! I can't believe it! I will finally be certified! Oh, and I also only owe them three more payments which will also be huge. It's been such a relief to pay that each month and not have to have more student loans
  4. I passed my recent Praxis tests with flying colors: I did really really well. And I was really nervous about the results because I knew I had screwed up on the constructed response. One test left between me and my certification. I'm taking it March 10th
Christian comes back to NOLA tonight, I can't wait! He'll be here through the weekend shooting on Paper Cranes and  I am excited to make us dinner tonight. I'm thinking chicken tacos. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you can ride your bike to work.
    I love that the flowers are blooming.
    I love that the strawberries came early.
    & I love that you are so close to being certified! Great job Lauren! & Mmmm chicken tacos sound fabulous! :)
