Sunday, February 26, 2012

Celebrating Valentine's Day

This is a little past due, but I still want to share with you what we did. We had to celebrate on the Sunday before because Christian had to go back to Baton Rouge that evening.

We started out at the new restaurant in our neighborhood (adding to a very short list): Maurepas Food. It was really good!

Cheese plate

Strawberry salad

Oyster stew with a puff pastry top!

Goat Tacos

After lunch we headed to the quarter on the scooter for a couple massage. We weren't able to get far before we were stopped by Barkus, the dog parade. There are some pics below, but they are dark...

After massages we went to my favorite restaurant in New Orleans, Dickie Brennans's Bourbon House for more oysters!


1 comment:

  1. I just found the blog again. I kept getting "HoBo with a Shot Gun. Not sure what that's about. The cabbage soup sounds delish and would like to try. We're starting a new diet, and I think the soup will work. Paula often "over portions" some ingredients (butter, sugar, etc.) Sugar in a tomato sauce should be just enough to soften or complement the tang of the tomatoes. I think a tablespoon may be enough. Check out the blog "A lady in France" She does recipes just like you, and shows photos of each step. I love her writing about family, food and all things French.
