Thursday, October 11, 2012

Farewell, but not Goodbye

Durado was one of my first friends I met when I moved to New Orleans a little over 2 years ago. We've shared many family dinners and lots of reality TV watching. But like so many of our other friends, he is leaving New Orleans: moving to Spain for a 2 year graduate program. Although I'm super excited for him and can't wait to visit, it's the hardest goodbye I've had to say yet. I think the hardest part of living in New Orleans (other than being away from my family) is having to say goodbye to so many friends. It seems like no one really settles down here for too long. However, New Orleans has a way of always pulling folks back her way, so hopefully once these two years are up, Durado will come home.

To say goodbye from all of us, I made Durado a photo album with pictures from the last 2 years and had everyone at his going away dinner sign it.

Saturday night we all went to Pretty Lights (see that post here) and Sunday night we hosted a family dinner with most of our closest friends. The final goodbye was Tuesday night at Maurapas, which I have no photos from as of yet. We grilled steak and fresh fish provided by Kyle, C made his favorite mac and cheese (by Alton Brown) with quinoa pasta, there was a big salad with homemade vinaigrette and a pot of cooked-all-day red beans.

we used Erin's typewriter to all write two lines of a poem for Durado

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