Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Mom Came Last Weekend...

And it was great. I miss her a lot already. Friday night we went to Maurapas, it was great as usual, Saturday we grilled out because Christian's brother Jeremy and his family were in town, and Sunday my mom and I rode bikes to the ferry and biked around Algiers Point. We also went to two open houses, one in the Bywater and one in Algiers Point. We are considering more and more a place of our own, more on that later. Here's the weekend in pictures.

Walking around the Quarter Saturday afternoon:

houses decorated for Halloween in the Quarter

Amy, Jeremy, Eme, and Rex

After grilling out Christian, Jeremy, and Eme went to the House of Shock (not my thing) and my mom and I walked around Frenchmen. 

ran into Natasha!

so relaxed...

This couldn't be sweeter:

I bought a remake of this sign for my dad. saw the real thing in Algiers 

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