Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stuffed Italian Meatloaf

courtesy of
I never been have been a fan of the ketchup on meatloaf idea. My mom always made a stuffed italian meatloaf topped with marinara and served it with mashed potatoes. I've taken her recipe and tweaked it a little bit to make it my own. Then tweaked it a bit more to keep from looking like the 'heart-attack-waiting-to-happen' pictured above. Now mine is half ground beef and half ground turkey to cut down on the fat. I simplified the stuffing from several cheeses to a blend of part skim ricotta & shredded parmesan. Also since Lauren is off the refined carbohydrates we substitute cooked lentils for bread crumb & serve ours over puréed cauliflower. It's topped with Lauren's hearty marinara. So good.     



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