Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Holidays

It's the most wonderful time of the year... until Mardi Gras. We traveled home to Kentucky on December 16th. Here's how it went. 

Christmas Eve's eve, my mom, Christian, and I cooked dinner for the Colwell's. Christian made my grandmother's lasagna recipe with fresh pasta from Findlay Market. I made the Caesar salad. 

Caesar salad w/ fresh white anchovies & homemade croutons

The Colwell's exchanging gifts  

Christmas Eve, heading to Dayton. 


Grandma Betty opening gifts 
Joel pouring the shots 
time honored Westendorf shot
Westendorf girls in the aprons from Grandma Betty 
Grandma Betty's cookies, got the recipe this year 

 The day after Christmas it snowed!


Imogen's first snow play day 
the tent that no one's allowed out of
first snowman 

Goodbye Kentucky hope to see you soon!

New Year's Eve our old friends Ben and Ashley came down from Bloomington, IN

New Year's Eve Cocktail Party:


baked brie with strawberries and jam  
goat cheese stuffed dates 

prosciutto wrapped asparagus 

After drinks and snacks we headed to Matty's to set off fireworks

...then we walked to the river to the fireworks display 


 We make cabbage and black eyed peas every New Year's Day:

black eyed peas for health 
cabbage rolls for wealth 
cabbage rolls over cheesy whipped cauliflower, with black-eyed pea salad and honey glazed cornbread 

After dinner we wrote wishes for the year on Chinese lanterns and attempted to send them into the night. Unfortunately, one almost caught the school across the street on fire, and the other just went up in flames. Better luck next time. 

writing wishes

lighting the lantern 

sending it off

terror strikes as the lantern heads for the trees

luckily it rained that day so the small structure fire didn't last long 

the second lantern engulfed in flames 

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